Natural Dyes: colors from water, chemistry, and the plants around

April 29, 2022, 7:00 pm -
8:00 pm

Plants have a long history of being used to make pigments. The plants used to make the colors, and the chemicals used to set the colors on the fabric have changed a lot over time and these changes were often connected to big events in human history. We will explain some of the ways natural dyes are made and talk about the science behind the process. We’ll also show you how we use these processes to do some dying of our own and see this chemistry in action! Exhibited around the space there will be lots of textiles we’ve dyed with various natural dyes so you can see for yourself what the starting materials and results of this dye process can be. You’ll see fabrics dyed with things you see every day, like avocado pits and eucalyptus leaves. We’ve found it exciting and a little surprising sometimes to see these colors coming from plants we see every day, so join us and see for yourself!

The presentation (7-8PM) will be followed by a chance to roam the exhibited dyed textiles and talk to the speakers.


Venue / Location

Atlas Café
3049 20th St
San Francisco,

COVID Information for this event

This Bay Area Science Festival event is an indoor event that is following the county guidelines of San Francisco County. Additional COVID requirements for this event include that masks are not required, but recommended.

Event Hosts

The UCSF integrative microbiology (iMicro) program is an interdisciplinary and interdepartmental program dedicated to understanding microbes (viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites) in health and disease with the goal of applying these advances to reveal basic molecular mechanisms, improve health, and transform patient care.
Modern biological research requires creative synergy between different disciplines. The Tetrad curriculum provides students with a strong foundation in the basic concepts of biochemistry, genetics, developmental biology and cell biology through interactive courses.

COVID Safety

The Bay Area Science Festival will manage all in-person events with the health, safety and well-being of our staff, volunteers, hosts, exhibitors, and guests in mind. In response to COVID-19, we will be implementing public health requirements for all event hosts and attendees in accordance with local and state guidelines in order to celebrate science safely throughout the Bay Area. 

The Bay Area Science Festival encourages you to get vaccinated, wear a mask and practice social distancing. Be sure to check back for updated and more detailed COVID safety information prior to attending.

Thank You for Supporting BASF

We strive to make all Bay Area Science Festival events free, when possible. To produce the Festival, we must annually raise hundreds of thousands of dollars. Every donation helps us make this important work possible.

Girl looks through magnifying glass

Thank you for your generous support of the Bay Area Science Festival! As part of UCSF, SEP is a 501(c)3 non-profit. All donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law. Please let us know if your company participates in a matching gift program so that we can extend the benefit of your generosity.