Your immune system in health and disease
The human immune system is comprised of white blood cells and their cousins in various tissues. It fights off infections by viruses, microbes, and parasites, and is increasingly recognized for additional roles in causing, exacerbating, or preventing a wide variety of diseases — ranging from inflammatory bowel disease, allergy, asthma, and atherosclerosis to cancer and […]
What’s Infecting Us? Laboratory Detection of Pathogens in the Current Era
Nearly all infectious diseases need laboratory testing for diagnosis and treatment. This event will cover the standards of clinical microbiology techniques, from traditional microscopy to the latest molecular diagnostics. From there, we will transition into the research laboratory to see how research on Trypanosoma cruzi, the etiologic agent of Chagas disease, is being used to […]
STEM Storytime: Teen Inventors
Can teen science make a difference? Yes, it can! This virtual event recounts stories of real teen inventors and discoverers and what they did. Deepika used cement, a sunscreen ingredient, and sunlight to purify water for developing nations. Dasia devised sutures that change colors to save the lives of women. William taught himself the physics […]
Oh Behave! Changing the Way We React to Bias & Discrimination
Can we really tackle bias and discrimination? Dive into the research with Asst. Professor Eason, UC Berkeley Psychologist, to demystify why prejudice and bias have persisted for so long. Understand the impacts of our “representational landscapes”, such as why folks like Native Americans and queer people get left out of our national narratives or how […]
STEM Storytime: Teen Inventors
Can teen science make a difference? Yes, it can! This virtual event recounts stories of real teen inventors and discoverers and what they did. Deepika used cement, a sunscreen ingredient, and sunlight to purify water for developing nations. Dasia devised sutures that change colors to save the lives of women. William taught himself the physics […]
Before the Curtain Rises: How Do You Make A Film About Science?
Long before a film hits the big screen, Netflix, or YouTube, it begins as a nebulous idea, to be formed, challenged, and morphed into a multimedia experience. Films about science carry an extra challenge — telling stories about complicated topics and elements invisible to the human eye. How do you turn microbes into movie stars? […]
Introduction to PyGame Game Development
Learn from TeenTechSF and get a fun intro to video game design with PyGame! In this beginner friendly workshop, we will learn about the basics of programming and coding in Python, variables, conditionals, loops, and more. You will use, python, and PyGame in order to create a cool snow animation. Don’t just be a […]
Being a Radiologist – Learn to read X-rays!
Have you ever wondered what it’s like to have x-ray vision? A radiologist gets to use this superpower every day! By using a special camera, they are able to take a picture of your insides to look at your bones, organs, and muscles. Join us for a conversation with some of UCSF’s Radiology and Biomedical […]
Día de la Ciencia: Un Vistazo al Laboratorio/Day of Science A Look into the lab
Por tercer año consecutivo, el Consulado General de México en San Francisco se está asociando con el departamento de Sciences at Cal de la Universidad de California, Berkeley para organizar el “Día de la Ciencia”, un evento que le otorga a la comunidad hispanohablante la oportunidad de interactuar con científicos de diversas disciplinas y les […]
3D Printing & Silicone Casting Demonstration
Join the UCSF Library’s Makers Lab for a live, virtual demonstration. Learn how 3D printing and silicone casting are being used to create models for UCSF faculty, students, and researchers. The demonstration will be like a cooking show – but for health sciences projects! View the technology in action, learn about projects at UCSF, and […]